Songbook of Musical Fragments

Royalty-free Public Performances


The Copyright holder hereby grants permission for anyone to publicly perform, live and in-person, any of the musical fragments in this Songbook royalty-free, subject to the following conditions: The performance must...

* Getting paid for a gig or collecting a cover charge to pay the venue are NOT considered for-profit and are eligible for royalty-free public performance. Examples of a for-profit performance include selling an album/MP3, using it in an advertising commercial or media broadcast, or making it available for download on a website; these require a licensing agreement, which can be negotiated with the publisher (email the editor or composer); it is only fair that the creator of art share in the proceeds of any for-profit commercial venture.

** Non-standard arrangements may qualify for royalty-free live and in-person public performance but require prior written approval from the publisher (email the editor or composer). Requiring approval for non-standard arrangements ensures the music is heard as intended.

Note: In addition to royalty-free public performance, the spiral-bound Songbook is being offered for purchase as close to at-cost as possible, because...

Music is a celebration of life and should be shared freely.